Exercise 5
More while loop (nested) and third dimension
So we’ll create first a chess Board.
If you look carefully at a board you’ll notice that there is one color when the parity is the same for x and z, and the other color when parity is different.
See :
Chess board, one color if parity is the same, another color if parity is different
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
mc = minecraft.Minecraft()
mc.postToChat("Checkmate ! ")
#Here we get the player position
x,y,z = mc.player.getPos()
x = x+1
y = y
z = z+1
size = 8
#We will have 2 loop, so we need to integer.
i= j = 0
material = 0
#We will loop on x with i
while i < size:
i = i+1
#We initiate counter for nested loop
j= 0
#We will loop on z with j
while j < size:
j = j+1
#Chess Board simple
#Here we use the modulo 2 to figure parity. If it equal 0 then it's even otherwise it's odd.
#In our case we check that both have same parity and affect a materials...otherwise setting another one
if (i%2 == j%2):
#49 is obsidian : black
material = 49
#155 is quartz : white.
material = 155
And here is what you should get :
Chessboard, with python in Minecraft
You can then play with the modulo and see the result. Here is one example :
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
mc = minecraft.Minecraft()
#Here we get the player position
x,y,z = mc.player.getPos()
x = x+1
y = y
z = z+1
size = 17
#We will have 2 loops, so we'll need two integers.
i = 0
material = 0
#We will loop on x with i
while i < size:
i = i+1
#We initiate counter for nested loop
j= 0
#We will loop on z with j
while j < size:
j = j+1
#Chess Board fun -- Next line is the only modification compared to previous loop - We use a modulo 4 and play with conditions
if (((i%4) < 3 and(j%4) <3 ) or ((i%4) > 2 and(j%4) > 2 )):
#49 is obsidian : black
material = 49
#155 is quartz : white.
material = 155
Which will gives you :
Chessboard..sort of… with python in Minecraft
Now we will add a dimension and have a cube of alternated chessboard
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
mc = minecraft.Minecraft()
#Here we get the player position
x,y,z = mc.player.getPos()
x = x+1
y = y
z = z+1
size = 8
#We will have 3 loops, so we'll need three integers.
i = 0
material = 0
#We will loop on x with i
while i < size:
i = i+1
#We initiate counter for nested loop
j = 0
#We will loop on z with j
while j < size:
j = j+1
k = 0
while k < size:
k = k+1
#Here we use the modulo 2 to figure parity. If it equal 0 then it's even otherwise it's odd.
#In our case we check that both have same parity and affect a materials...otherwise setting another one
if (i%2 == j%2):
#then we choose one color if our k is even or the other
if (k%2 ==0 ):
#49 is obsidian : black
material = 49
#155 is quartz : white.
material = 155
#Then we have to do the opposite for same k when i and j does not have same parity
if (k%2 ==0 ):
material = 155
material = 49
Which will gives you :
Cube of alternate material
If you change obsidian (49) for air (0) result is quite nice :
Cube of air and quartz
Here is now the code to generate a colored cube :
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
import time
mc = minecraft.Minecraft()
#Here we get the player position
x,y,z = mc.player.getPos()
x = x+1
z = z+1
size = 12
while k < size:
while j < size:
while i < size:
#The color will be dependant on the 3 coordinates. You can play a lot with the color
# and see what is happening when you make variation on one or two coordinates
mc.setBlock(x+j,y+k,z+i,35,(i+j+k)%16 )
k = k+1
And here is our colored cube:
Colored cube