
Preparing your computer for the journey

In this prelude we'll point you to the correct resources to setup your computer.

To be able to use Python in Minecraft you’ll need to prepare your system.

There is a full detailed explanation on : Python coding for Minecraft
To make it short on Windows. Once Minecraft is installed :

You’ll then have to download and install Forge

Be carefull as there are many deceptive advertising on the path that might try and trick you on downloading something else.
Forge installer Forge Installer

Install RaspberryJamMod-Installer.Exe which will process all the requirements.

Downloading JamMod Downloading RaspberryJamMod-Installer

Launching Installer Launching RaspberryJamMod-Installer

RaspberryJamMod-installer RaspberryJamMod-Installer check the scripts

At the end of the setup you’ll find all the scripts in

  • %appdata%.minecraft\mcpipy (which most often will be : C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\AppData\Roaming.minecraft\mcpipy )

mcpipy folder mcpipy folder

Then launch Minecraft and create a Forge profile :

Minecraft: New Profile Minecraft: New Profile

Choose forge in the list:

Minecraft: New Forge Profile Minecraft: New Forge Profile

Then you can create your scripts in %appdata%\.minecraft\mcpipy
If you name it then you’ll be able to execute from Minecraft using :

  • /python dummy or
  • /python

(You can use any text editor, if you don’t have one you can for instance use Notepad++)

If you face issues, look at : Python coding for Minecraft